Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Batman Theft..........

So here is the story...
Dallas and i went to Hancock (not as good as it looks) and we see this really cool Dark knight advertisement... well if you know Dallas's sister Casie she loves batman and Christian Bale, so we decided to take it for her. So we get the MDX and get our nylons on our heads and head off. we get to Jordan Commons and pull the car in and there are two kids sitting there. "what are you guys doing" said one of them....."shut up were not going to kill anyone!" i yelled at him. any way Dallas is yelling at me to hold the doors open and he is holding this 9 foot batman poster. So to make a long story short we stole the thing and brought i back to Casie.... which she was very grateful for!!!! here are some pictures of our event!!!


Bryce and Jamie said...

I love it!! And man that thing is HUGE!!! Love ya!

The Blohms said...

hmmm you guys are pretty much crazy! so its a good thing i love crazy!!