Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, August 30, 2010

6 months....

No way!! this is not possible!! how can 6 months already have gone by? I guess it has though, and i will just have to live with it!! I really am enjoying watching Kingston grow, it seems like he learns something new every day! i can't believe how absorbent his little mind is!!
*His stats this month*:
18.4 Lbs (he went down a little but i guess this is normal)
26 1/2 inches long
44cm head circumference

*Things he is doing this month*:
~ He sits up all by himself and loves to play with his toys.
~ His favorite toy is the little blue vibrating doggy.
~ He Likes to lay on the floor and watch cartoons, his favorite so far Elmo and dinosaur train.
~He absolutely LOVES to look in the mirror at himself... he could do it for hours!!
~ He will hold his own bottle for a few minutes until he gets board of holding it, then he plays with it!
~ He gets where ever he needs to go by rolling over and over to get there!! its very affective!!
~ when he wakes up in the morning he lets me know he is up by babbling and cooing and yelling until i get the picture!!
~ when he lays on his back his favorite thing to do is pull his toes in his mouth and suck on them!

I love this boy more and more every second of every day! I really can't believe my heart can get any bigger, but it just keeps growing!! I'm sad to know i don't have a tiny little newborn baby anymore, but i am so excited to see him grow through the next 6 months!