Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, November 23, 2009

names, names, names!!!

It has been so stressful trying to find names for my little dude!! I have always been very excited to discuss names ever since i was a little girl, I loved the thought of giving a little baby a cute name!! That is until i got pregnant!! now that it is something that i actually have to do i am very nervous!! What a huge responsibility, giving another human a name!! He will be stuck with it for the rest of his life!! what if he hates it? what if kids tease him? what if people can't pronounce it? what if its hard for him to spell? what if its hard for him to say? these thoughts have been like a train in my mind for the last 5 or 6 months!! not to mention middle names!! I want it to be meaningful and sound good... but what to choose, what to choose? Anytime someone in my family brings it up i just say "i am not going to talk about it right now!!" I want to choose a name so badly, i feel like it will make it more real for me to call him "____" rather than just baby. So i pray every night that Heavenly father will whisper the most perfect name in my ear and i will just know..... Well that wasn't the case! Dallas and I have had names picked out since we were dating, and as soon as i got pregnant they all went out the window!! We had on boy name picked out and i just loved it, but i didn't like the way it sounded with Nelson. any way, it has been stuck in the back of my mind for ever... but i kept refusing to think about it!! well last night i prayed again to know the name of my son... and that night i had a dream and Dallas and i were calling him by this name... so i just can't refuse it any longer. I have decided to name him Kingston! i am so excited about it! it feels like a huge weight has been lifted to finally know his name!!

Friday, October 23, 2009

It's a Boy!

We had our 20 weeks ultra sound on the 19th, and found out we are having a boy!! yay!! No on to trying to find names that Dallas and I both agree on.....(BOO) :) any suggestions?I think I'll dress him up as a skeleton for Halloween.......

Friday, October 9, 2009

Its a Baby!!!

In May I missed my period and i was SURE i was pregnant.... so sure that even after about 10-15 negative pregnancy tests i was still sure!! when i finally went to a doctor they told me i wasn't that i must just be stressed out from moving to Chicago... So i took a hint... i was a little upset, but i got over it. When i missed my period again in June i didn't even think about pregnancy, i just figured i was still stressed out. The second week in July i started to throw up all the time, and gag when i smelled something nasty (or something not nasty at all) Everyone told me that i should just take a test but i really didn't think i was pregnant!! So i finally broke down and took one and it was instantly positive!! I was in shock, i sat on the edge of my aunts bath tub for a while staring at the two lines on my stick, waiting for one of them to disappear! When it didn't i went and showed my aunt!! It was a really great day!!! Dallas was so happy, he didn't really know what to say except "congratulations!!!" HA! it was funny!!

about a week after i found out!!
The latest belly pic!!

I am now almost 19 weeks along and am due March 8th. I am 99% positive that it is a boy! We find out next week for sure!! The pregnancy so far has been great.. other than the first week of throwing up every day i have felt pretty good (lets be honest its still a pregnancy, so how good can i really feel!) But compared to some horror stories i have heard.... I think i am fortunant!! I will keep you posted on everything that is going on..... Here are some pics of my little peanut!! it looks like a human now, and less like an alien!! YAY!

The peanut at 9 weeks 2 days!
12 weeks along!! And sucking his little thumb!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Where did the summer go?

We have one more week out here in Chicago, and it feels so strange to me!! I feel like I haven't had a summer at all!! Now school is starting for everyone.... weird! I can't wait to get back and see everyone, and hang out with my family and friends. I miss everyone so much!!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

To Utah and back again!

I just got back to Chicago from a 3 week vacation back to Utah! it was so nice to see everyone!! I got to go camping with some friends and play at the lake it was a blast!! We went to Lagoon aslo, that was very fun!! Lagoon has just been getting so old these last few years, but it was truly fun this year. We hit up Lagoona beach this time, maybe thats why it was fun, i haven't done that for about 5 years!!! But i'm back in Chi-Town and loving it!! Although, its really cold here!!! WEIRD, but its better than dying heat!! Anyway, i will post pics when i can!!!

Friday, June 19, 2009

picture overload!!

I am not going to say a lot here... but i will caption the pictures. This is our life in Chicago!

Driving out to Chicago.....

this is my favorite part of our apartment.... our little porch that over looks the golf course!!

of course living by the golf course means that sometimes you will get a ball or two on your doorstep!
this is the little boy i watch during the day, Kenne! love him!
We hit our dinner goal for the week and we got to go to, yep you guessed it...TGIF!

This is us at Six Flags!! what a blast!! this is the second time we've been now!!! LOVE IT!

loving our life in Chi-Town!

one of the million sky line pics i have!

i bunch of the people we hang out with, almost every night!!! Love them!!

Dal and me getting ready for the pool!!! my new favorite place!!

This is Kobe's favorite place to sleep!!! in the dirty clothes pile!!!

We are loving it out here in Chicago.... i will post more pics as i take them!!! LOVE YOU ALL!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

The pool!

FINALLY!! finally the weather was good enough to go swimming! say it with me...AHHHHHHH! yesterday was so great! it was warm out side and the sun even made an appearance! I went down with some of the wives out here and played with the kids in the water then just layed out for another few hours and read!! It was so relaxing! You bet your buttons that as soon as Chicago figures out that its Chicago and not Seattle (because of the rain) That i will always be ...down by the pool! YAY! also i am such a reader now.... i have no TV and no computer ( this is the apartment complex business center computer) so all i can do is read!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

here we are!

I am fully aware that i haven't posted pics in a really long time... i am working on it.

Any way, we got into Chicago about two weeks ago... and it is FABULOUS! i heart this place! We are actually in Westmont.... so if Chicago was salt lake then we would be in Sandy, or Draper... (I think) Our apartment could not be farther away from everyone and everything in the complex..... its is quite the journey to get to the Garbage dump, the Pool, the mail room, and anything else i have to get too.... but its OK i still like it. Our apt over looks this golf course and we have some really cool neighbors beneath us. We actually went down a few nights ago and BBQ'ed with them. It was fun. Dallas is dong really really great with his job. he has sold 5 so far... which people tell me that is really good for his first summer, this early. We wake at like 8 or 9 and eat breakfast and hang out for a while, then he leaves at like 11:15ish then he gets home at like 10ish and that happens Monday- Saturday..... so as you might have guessed... i am very board for like 11 hours during the day (hence the longest post of my life) So, my house is spotless..... which i love and hate.... I try and make big messes for dinner so i have something to do the next day...HA! well i found the library, and so i started to read the Harry Potter books.... why not right? well i started on the first one, like a week and a half ago and guess what number i am starting today...... 5! yes i am starting number 5 today! i am not saying this as an accomplishment..... i think its kind of sad! well... i am not gonna lie i am kinda proud, that i finished the first four in 10 days.... well.... that's all that is really going on... hmmm.... oh yeah, since i am such a hermit crab, and a Harry Potter lush, i decided to start an in-home daycare.... we'll see how it works out. I will let you know! Thanks for reading about my life! Dallas always tells me "post something on that dumb blog thing." he wants everyone to know how were doing, but he doesn't want me to know that he thinks blogging is cool..... oh i know! Love you guys!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

On our way!!!

So we left this morning for Chicago.... hmmmmm..... I am blogging at our hotel in Nebraska right now... and let me just say this place is FLAT!!! anyway let me start from yesterday morning... We woke up with our apartment looking just as it always did ever since we moved in (MESSY), and we got it all packed in one day (me= STRESS CASE) its OK, I got over it!! then we went to sleep at my Bro and sis-in-law's house out in Eagle mtn. We played monopoly (like we always do) and then we went to bed*******NEXT DAY******** 5:00 a.m. up and at em', ready to go and really tired!!! we left at about 7:30 8 ish, and Dallas and i get to drive another one of the sales guys cars out. its really nice its just Me, him and Kobe. any way that's all i have right now! i will post some pics later!!! BYE-BYE

Monday, April 6, 2009

So we have been talking about this job opportunity that has presented itself to us for the last little while and we have just made the decision to go.... We are going to move to Chicago for the summer and Dal is going to sell security systems..... it is really going to be a great thing... hopefully we can get some debt paid off and start heading in the right path.... It is a little scary, but i think we can manage. We are going out there with Bryce and Jamie's' friends, Ben and Jen... and it is going to be a blast!!! any way i will keep you posted on the dates and stuff when we leave and come back..... love you all!

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Well Dallas and i got invited to go to Portland/Seattle two weeks ago!! It was amazing! Bryce and Jamie had to go up there for business, and invited us to go with them!!! we Left on Wednesday the 4Th, and drove for 12 hours up to Portland. We stayed at the Red Lion Hotel. Then on Thursday we walked around and sight saw most of the stuff in Portland, after we were done there we went a visited Jamie's Aunt and Uncle in Beverton!! that was cool Jamie doesn't see them very often.... Also it was so cool because they have two birds and one of them dances apparently..... So they turned up Ne-Yo and jammed hard core!! it was so awesome because they aren't the youngest people, but that didn't stop them from turning up the stereo to 75!!!! ha! Any way, after that we made the 3 hour drive up to Seattle!!! Our Hotel was called the Edge Water........ why?? because it was literally on the edge of the water, well actually it was on a Pier!!! WAY COOL! Then we spent the next two days walking around the markets and fruit stands, and museums, just taking in the city!!! On Saturday night we decided to go up to the space needle and have dinner, well the elevator up to the restaurant is about 600 feet tall then when your up there you can see the entire city and Bay, because the restaurant rotates all they way around, as you are sitting there eating!!! It is so crazy! after dinner Dallas and i were too tired to walk back to our hotel so we took a cab!! FUN! the next day we needed to be up at 6 to make the 14 hour drive home...... well when we woke up at 6 (well really 5 because of daylight savings (boohoo)) it had snowed and rained the night before so here we are in our little Toyota Carola trying to climb a mountain when the snow vehicles are spreading dirt and not salt!!! well...........we didn't make it! so we turned around and drove on the shoulder back to the Sea-Tac Airport and flew home!! wow, what an expensive trip!!! not for us..... but hey Bryce and Jamie.... you guys wait until we get rich!!!!! Needless to say, we had an amazing time!!! I loved Seattle, and i would love to live there!!!! but probably won't!!! :)

Dallas, Bryce and I decide to take advantage of the very cheap fruit and bread!! Yummy!!

We went to "Sport" a sports bar and spent five hours watching the Jazz game and various other games! (Not mine and Jamie's idea)

This is us eating dinner at a five star restaurant called the Space needle!! Nice shirt and mustache Jose!!!!

Jamie and Me at the top of the Space needle!

The view from the Top!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Hmmmm............ what to do?!?

Well we have been going through a rough patch lately..... nothing we can't handle... but still rough! Well we got to thinking, and we decided to Look into the Air Force for Dallas to go into.... it is a really really great opportunity and i think we are gonna take it!!! Hopefully! Well I just wanted to update you all let me know what you think!!!